Americus Reed
Brand Identity
Americus Reed II is our go-to brand identity expert and affiliates with LearnCollab through his firm, Persona Partners. Americus' primary research and consulting areas are brand equity and identity loyalty, and he works with existing and newly merged schools to create “brand communities” that transcend the utilitarian to actualize iconic levels of symbolic identity and cultivate lifelong relationships with families.
Americus Reed, II co-founded Persona Partners to leverage the experience and skills he developed in becoming the premier identity theorist and researcher in the field of marketing. He is the Whitney M. Young, Jr., Associate Professor of Marketing at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, where he has served on faculty since 2000. An avid fitness enthusiast, musician and tireless educator, Dr. Reed’s primary research and consulting areas are exclusively in brand equity and Identity Loyalty. In 2005, his academic work in this area received honorable mention for the prestigious Robert Ferber Award for academic impact in the Journal of Consumer Research (JCR) and in 2009 he received JCR’s Best Paper Award. Americus has authored more than 35 articles and book chapters on the topic. Dr. Reed teaches customer analysis, branding and consumer psychology to undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and executive students at the Wharton School.
Dr. Reed holds a BBA from Georgia State University. He also holds two Master of Science degrees (strategic management and market research methods) from Georgia State University and a Ph.D. from the University of Florida.