John Gulla
John Gulla became the Executive Director of the Edward E. Ford Foundation on July 1, 2013. EE Ford, in its over 60 years of making grants, has distributed over $125,000,000 to over 900 different independent schools. In his capacity at the Foundation, Gulla has visited over 400 schools all across the country.
For the preceding 14 years, he was Head of School at The Blake School, a 120 year-old school enrolling 1400 students on three campuses in and around Minneapolis. He has also held administrative and teaching positions at Riverdale Country School, Isidore Newman and St. Ann’s in Brooklyn . A graduate of Teachers College, Columbia University and Amherst College, he grew up the son of two public school teachers in Red Sox Nation just outside Boston. He helped found Fund for Teachers and has served on its Board since its inception having chaired it for many years. He has also served on a number of other Boards including High Mountain Institute where he is currently Chair of the Finance Committee, ISACS, MAIS, Milkweed Editions, the Minnesota chapter of the ACLU, among others. He and his wife, Andrea, have two grown sons and live in Brooklyn.